Forsaken Dungeons Soundtrack
Are you a battle-hardened Orc who is down on his luck after all your favorite war campaigns have died down to a blood-gurgling lull? Maybe you're a Dwarf who finds himself at the bottom of an ale mug on a nightly basis, blowing the dust off of your trusty forge hammer? Are you and your Elven lass in the middle of a 2-century old feud because she "accidentally" sold your longbow in a stable sale? It was blessed by Clarince the Turquoise, Carrol! The runic engravings glowed with magic! How do you accidentally sell that next to some cookware!? ...Or maybe you're just a boring old human who likes magical soundtracks. Well, I'm happy to say that I've got a great soundtrack for you to listen to, stranger! Presenting my contribution to the most awesome of games: Forsaken Dungeons! In the near future, I will be offering some insight into my process for each individual track. I had a really good time making this music and I hope it inspires you to go out and wh...